Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"Alas, Babylon" Quotes

“Survival of the fittest... The strong survive. The frail die. The exotic fish die because the aquarium isn’t heated. The common guppy lives. ... That’s the way it is and that’s the way it’s going to be." this quote is used by Randy to explain how survival works and how their new reality IS survival. (Frank 175)   “ ‘How much?’ Randy asked. Beck shook his head. ‘Nothing. That safe is full up to the top with money. That’s all I’ve got left - money. Ain’t that funny - nothing but money.’ " this quote, used by the hardware store owner, Mr. Beck, shows how totally useless money is, and that money has no real value, and the only valuable things in life now were skills and knowledge and other things required to form a strong community. (Frank, 156)
  “...The struggle was not against a human enemy, or for victory. The struggle, for those who survived "The Day", was to survive the next.” this quote shows the reality of survival: that there was nothing to do but survive. day after day, month after month. (Frank, 123)
“You see, all their lives, ever since they’ve known anything, they’ve lived under the shadow of war - atomic war. For them the abnormal has become normal. All their lives they have heard nothing else, and they expect it.” this chilling quote describes the reality and the fear of those who lived during the cold war. (Frank 84)
“Some nations and some people melt in the heat of crisis and come apart like fat in the pan. Others meet the challenges and harden. I think you’re going to harden.” This Quote is Dan explaining how different people change differently to hard times, and how Randy will change for the better. (Frank 132)

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